Jul 13, 2009

What a weekend!

Jeff Zimmerman, Alicia (Renaud) Silvers, Joey Messerli, Jeremy Hunolt, Joe Patterson, Stacie (Sanders) Cameron, Tricia (Lindenman) Thomason, Ryan McGriff, Ben Andrews, Matt Winegardner, Susan (Yeager) Kruse, Brad Terpstra, Jen Alexander, Wes Van Weelden, Missy (Nieuwsma) Riedel, Travis Seitsinger, Jodi (Hicks) Vanderbeek, and Curt Lamberson. Also present but not available for the picture were Beth (Bresee) Craighton and Sid Van Ryswyk.

We had 16 classmates come to the meal, then headed to Scooter's afterwards where a few more people joined up. Sunday's picnic only had a handful of families, but provided a great time and atmosphere to hang out and share some memories. What a great weekend!

Jul 2, 2009

One Week and Counting....The Scoop

With only ONE week left before the reunion, here are the details

SATURDAY AT 3:45 those who are interested in going on the tour of the school please meet at the front door of North Mahaska (by the office). Mrs. Chamra (formerly Mrs. Andrews) has graciously agreed to escourt us around the new elementary and high school corridors.

SATURDAY at 5:00 those attending the catered meal meet at the McVay center in New Sharon. There will be a few mixers before the meal is served around 6:15.

SATURDAY evening at Scooter's. Several have mentioned that they will be unable to make it to the meal due to prior commitments, but will plan to meet the gang at Scooter's later in the evening.

SUNDAY's family themed picnic will start at 11:30 at the Kiwanis Shelter at Edmundson Park. We will be grilling up burgers and hot dogs and have chips. Please bring a side dish to share.

Dress for the weekend is casual. We are still waiting for payment for some of you, so if you have not already done so, please send your check to Alicia today or contact me (msriedel@mchsi.com) to arrange payment via PayPal. The cost is $25/per classmate/guest for the entire weekend, or $20 for the whole family for just Sunday. These costs are to cover facility rentals and food expenses...any extra funds will be put in a class account for future reunions.

That should cover it...please let me know if there are questions!!


May 17, 2009

OK, so evidently we need a little more time to get the RSVPs in (the deadline was May 15th) for the reunion. It amazing to think that the reunion is only 8 weeks away! The deadline is now extended to June 1st, so please, please, PLEASE let us know of your intentions as soon as possible. Even if you know that you cannot attend or still need a little more time to organize travel plans please touch base with us so that we can proceed with our planning to make the reunion a reality! You can refer to the previous post to see details of different contact and RSVP options for your convenience.
We now have the Kiwanis Shelter at Edmundson Park reserved for our Sunday noon picnic. A map and further details are forthcoming.
Thanks everyone for helping make this a success. It is still so hard to believe that it has been 15 years since some of us have seen eachother!

Mar 8, 2009

And the plan is....

***All exact times will be announced at a later date.
Saturday, July 11, 2009 ~Brad is organizing a golf event for Saturday for Saturday morning if anyone is interested, please contact him at terpstrawood@lisco.com . We will take a tour of school in mid afternoon, and have an evening meal catered to the McVay Center in New Sharon for the classmates and one guest. Afterwards, there will be plenty of time for getting reaquainted. Scooter's in New Sharon is also available if anyone is interested in going out for a beverage.
Sunday, July 12, 2009~We will meet at Edmondson Park in Oskaloosa--we'll announce which shelter house once reservations are confirmed. This will be a FAMILY themed picnic with grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, chips, and table service provided. Everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert to share. There is a large playground to entertain the kids.
The cost for the entire weekend events is $25.00 each/$50.00 couple.

Here's what we need from you:
1. Whether or not you plan to attend. (We have to provide a count for the caterer on Sat. Night) Please let us know by May 15th.
~E-mail your intentions to nm1994reunion@mchsi.com
~OR call Tricia at 641.831.9560
~OR respond to the blog.
2. What meat dish would you like with your Saturday evening meal?
A.) 10 oz Ribeye steak (marinated and grilled),
B.) Rocky Mountain Chicken (marinated and grilled chicken breast topped with bacon, bbq sauce, cheese, and green onion).
3. A current picture of you with your family
~E-mail to nm1994reunion@mchsi.com
~OR Send a photo in the mail to: Alicia Silvers--P.O. Box 54--University Park, IA 52595
4. Send a payment.
~A check can be sent to Alicia at the above address.
~OR if you would prefer to pay via PAYPAL, send an e-mail (address above) and I'll send a request from paypal back to you.

Thanks so much for your interest. We look forward to hearing from each of you soon!

Feb 15, 2009

Save the Date!!

The reunion will be on Saturday, July 11 and Sunday, July 12, 2009. Saturday evening is an evening for the classmates and a guest. Sunday is a potluck lunch for classmates and their families. More details will follow soon...so stay tuned!

Feb 6, 2009

We're getting there!

It is amazing how much excitement there is for this reunion! Everyone we've talked to is looking forward to getting together. Contact has now been made with everyone in the class except J.W., and there is work in progress to track him down. Special thanks to Ben for gathering so much contact info!
Next Sunday is the day that the planning group is getting together in Osky. All are welcome to be a part. If you'd like to join us just send an e-mail or reply to this post and I'll give you more info. If you want to be a part, but can't make it that day or have any ideas about places, dates, or events, you can e-mail or comment those as well.

Jan 30, 2009

Meeting of the Minds

We are forming a group to get together and brainstorm ideas for activities and places for our reunion. If you are interested in being a part of this, please send an e-mail or respond to this post.